Monday, March 21, 2011

The Art of Ignoring Someone

This post is dedictaed to anyone that has a hard time ignoring someone.... This is only for those individuals that need to get rid of toxic people in their lives...Why would I take time out of my precious day to focus on this topic? Its simple... I am the master of ignoring someone and making them a non-factor.... Besides I am confident that someone may be able to benefit from this... Besides if you have ever contemplated seriously ignoring someone than there must be a good reason for it.

First, to ignore someone is an art itself because it often takes every fiber in ones being not to feed into drama. And sometimes you can not reason with a person, and you have to just completely walk away from them. But when you walk away you have to be strong enough not to turn back.

Secondly, "Silence if Golden". If you are not saying anything, this gives the person that you are ignoring a chance to wonder why you are not saying anything. Being silent will do more harm to their self-esteem than you can imagine; so don't be afraid to go for it. Silence is one of the worst forms of torture. Although its been said that words hurt more than physical harm, I beg to differ. Why is silence more effective? This will make the other person wonder why you are not responding to them, and they will really begin to feel like a non-factor. Hehehe.... This will definietly suck for them... 

Thirdly, you must cut off all contact with that person. Delete them from facebook, myspace, tagged, tumblr, and even unfollow them on twitter. How effective can you be at ignoring them if you are still connected to them on social networking sites. Once you can officially do this, then you will have mastered the art of ignoring someone.

Last but not least, if someone still has your cell phone number and they keep contacting you by calling you or via text message do not respond. I retype again DO NOT RESPOND.... Only the weak will feed into this...

The first 21 days are the most crucial, but once you get to day 22 then its as easy as can be...

Good Luck!!!! I"m rooting for you....

1 comment:

  1. There are many toxic people in Charlotte, North Carolina. I had to learn the art of ignoring people to have a stable life.
