Monday, November 15, 2010

The Misunderstanding Part 1

If anyone enjoys short stories please read this one....

I remember this day like it was yesterday. It was a bright sunny morning; to be exact it was Sunday, October 17, 2010. I decided to go shopping as I usually would on Sundays. So I prepared banana nut oatmeal with hot tea before I got dressed quickly. I put on leopard leggings, with a hot pink tunic, and black round toe pumps, combed my hair straight down, and I was set to go to Bloomingdale’s which is one of my favorite stores. My arrival was always expected around 11 o’clock ish. It’s funny how I’ve had the same routine for the past two years which never seem to change.
I usually pulled up in my CL 550 Mercedes Benz right in front of Sak’s Fifth Avenue, handed my keys over to the parking valet, walked through Sak’s Fifth Avenue until I exited the store and was inside of the mall, made a left, then I  walked straight past Armani Exchange, Brooks Brothers, and Cole Hann’s straight into Bloomingdale’s.
The sight of the store gave me a calming feeling. As I walked over to the shoe boutique area I spotted Marco who was my trusty personal shopper. He loved to see me coming through the door because I would most likely help line his pockets with extra cash from his commission.
“Hey, Vivienne; How are you doing today?”, he shouted from the cash register as flamboyant as he could possibly be.
“I am fine. But please show me what it hot. Remember that is the reason that I come here”, I replied with enthusiasm.
So he led me over to a pair of five inch all black leather Vince Camuto pumps. I looked them over twice while imagining what I could wear them with. “Hmmm….”, I said as I looked them over thoroughly.” Okay can you get me these please?”
“Alright, I knew that you would like them”, he replied.
When Marco walked away to get my shoes, I began looking at a brown pair of lace up knee boots.  These boots were bad. I loved these types of boots, but I could never get away with wearing knee boots because they always looked baggy around my thin legs. But as usual I could always figure out a way to beat the odds. As I was plotting on maybe purchasing the boots and having them tailored to fit around my leg a tall, dark, and handsome man walked up beside me wearing a suit and tie. He appeared to be alone, and I couldn’t help but wonder why he was in the woman’s shoe department, but I continued to look at the boots as if I didn’t notice him. As he watched me admire the boots he finally asked, “So do you like those?”.
“I suppose”, I replied.
“I like those; they are very sexy, and they would look very sexy on you”
“Is that so?”
Before the conversation could go any further Marco came power walking over to me with the box of shoes in his hand. I tried them on and walked back and forth a few feet and struck a few poses before I took them off. As soon as Marco had come back with the shoes, I had totally forgotten all about the man that I just saw. Marco and I caught up on the week that had just passed, and I let him know about an art event that I planned to go to later in the week. But while I was busy trying on the shoes the man that I had just seen had been watching me from a distance unbeknownst to my knowledge. It’s a shame that I didn’t realize it because I was too busy catching up on the gossip with Marco.
“So you are into art?”, another voice chimed in. Marco and I were startled to see the man in the suit and tie standing over us. I wondered how long he had actually been standing there listening for.
“Yes”, I answered.
I really didn’t want to be rude to this man because I was alone in the mall, and I really didn’t need any problems for myself. But  after I answered him he smiled, and then he walked away.
“I see you have a fan”, Marco said while giggling.
“Can you say weirdo alert”, I joked and then we both laughed.
“As fabulous as you are honey, you are bound to have a few”
Marco carried my box of shoes to the register and then we went to find a dress for the art event that I was going to attend later that week. Marco led me over to an area full of dresses. I took one look at the dresses, and I knew that it would take me hours to find a dress that I would look extraordinary in. But before we began to look through the dresses, I decided to narrow things down by letting Marco know what I wanted before I began to try on any dresses. So Marco pulled out about twenty short fitted black dresses for me from the area and put them on a rack. I loved Marco he was the best at what he did. I looked through the rack, and I pulled seven of the twenty dresses to try on. I found the perfect black cocktail dress, and now I was set. I immediately went to the register to pay for my items before I stumbled across more things to buy that I really didn’t need. Marco carried my dress to the register for me as well.
“This is for the lady here”, Marco said to the cashier.
“How much is my damage?”, I asked as I looked at Marco and grinned.
“Lucky for you Miss, you have been taken care of already”, the cashier answered.
“Taken care of already? What does that mean?”
“The gentleman with the tan suit and the yellow paisley tie paid for your shoes, and he told me to put anything else that you wanted on his credit card; his American Express Black card that is”
I looked at Marco; “Wow! I’m flattered because this is the first time that this has ever happened to me. Thanks Marco I will be back next week to update you about how the party goes dear”, and I gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before I left the store.
The next morning I went to work at the advertising agency that I worked for. It was going to be another long Monday as usual. I certainly wasn’t looking forward to it. Each and every Monday morning we had a long drawn out meeting that lasted for about three tormenting hours. The meetings were always about the same thing and nothing had ever changed. I couldn’t understand why my boss liked to put us through this agony once a week. We could have received this information in a memo instead.
My boss was a short balding Jewish guy in his late 40’s who would sometimes show up to work in a silly looking toupee’. He definitely had a Napoleon Complex, and he loved to be heard and seen. For most of the meeting he would go on and on about nothing. Giving his opinions and thoughts about how he felt about issues that we could all care less about.
 As I looked around the room, I saw one of my co-workers Clyde nodding off as usual. Poor guy it must have been torture trying to stay awake. One time Clyde dozed off so hard during one of our morning meetings that his head actually hit the table so hard that it caused a big bang. Everyone turned around to see Clyde asleep on the table. I was surprised that the connection between the table and his head wasn’t enough to wake him up. I figured that my Boss had to be extremely boring or Clyde had to be extremely sleepy.  Either way this brought a little humor into the room causing a slight laughter. And the meeting continued as if nothing had happened.
This Monday morning was no different and everyone had the same mundane faces. Once the meeting was finally over, I headed back to my office quickly. But I heard someone calling my name very faintly. “Vivienne, Vivienne!”, she yelled with her soft voice.
I began looking around trying to find the voice that was saying my name. Finally, I looked over to see Maddie who is the agency’s receptionist flailing her arms to get my attention. When I got over to her desk, she handed me a bright bouquet of yellow and purple Dandelions. The flowers smelled great, and I was very excited to receive them and to read the card. So I picked up the little card that was attached to the flowers and it read:
To My Lovely Shoe Woman,
I really hope you like these flowers as much as you liked those Vince Camuto shoes. I hope to see you very soon.
Mr. Right
My heart began to race because the thought of a stranger that I didn’t know anything about knowing where I worked really scared me. So before my imagination got the best of me, I thanked Maddie, grabbed the flowers, and headed back to my office. As I was walking back to my office I heard, “Uh oh someone has flowers” then I heard “Vivienne those are beautiful” from another person. But I never turned around to acknowledge the comments. But when I finally sat the flowers down on my desk they really brightened up my office, and I was actually grateful to have received them.
My day at work seemed to go by very quickly, and I was pretty calm for the remainder of the day. I had no interns working under me which really just annoyed me half of the time. They were supposed to be of assistance to me but instead they just got in my way. Instead of explaining things to them all day and answering a trillion questions, I’d rather just do all of the work alone. I usually sent them on coffee, breakfast, and lunch runs to keep them out of my way.
I was finally at home, but I still had work to do that I had brought home with me to complete. I had to pitch an idea for next Mondays meeting to advertise personalized head and seat covers for chairs that are used in public places like buses, airplanes, and movie theaters just to name a few. But before I began working on my presentation, I planned to do a thirty minute workout before I cooked dinner for myself and then started to work on my presentation. Keep in mind that it had been a while since I worked out; I found my workout video under a pile of books. I was struggling to keep up with the workout video at first. And just when I was starting to keep up with everything that was going on in the workout video my doorbell rang. I wasn’t expecting anyone but what the heck; it could’ve just been a sales person, so I opened the door.
“Hi lady, here are those lace up knee boots that you were looking at in the store”, the man said as he handed me a big brown bag.
My mouth dropped as I looked at him standing on my doorstep. I was frozen; I couldn’t speak at all. He continued to smile.
“Are you okay Vivienne?”, he said nonchalantly.
OMG and he knew my name too…

To be continued…..
Part 2 coming soon...

Copyright date: November 2010

Follow me on twitter @Ms_Noel

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